National Queen & Cancer Survivor: Miriam Smith Wilson

Miriam, Ms. Forever Fresh Face USA 2021 is a mother and grandmother who is very active in her service to others. She had a career in delivery services and customer relations for almost three decades prior to her recent retirement to focus on her family. She loves writing, reading, creating things and being with loved ones. Her pageant platform is advocating for better resources for those suffering from chronic illnesses. Her granddaughter Jenesis is the Junior Miss Fresh Face 2021 and is passionate about the arts and being a good supporter to her community and family. 

What do you do and why do you do it?
I am currently fulfilling my reign as Ms. Forever Fresh Face USA 2021, organizing my annual Gastroparesis walk in honor of my late daughter, Mekia. I love to empower people and uplift them when they are suffering. This is very important because when people are hurting, regardless of if they are a custodian or a CEO, they all are entitled to being consoled and comforted. I truly believe that all blessings are God-given and not man-made so I try to be a light in others’ lives.

Describe your career journey and how it led you to where you are now.
After working in customer relations for three decades, I developed a talent for helping others and a love for the people! So, now that I’m retired from my day job, I can focus all my free time on raising my granddaughter and serving the community through volunteering and donations while reigning as a national titleholder.

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
I want to eventually open a nonprofit organization that can provide resources for those suffering with chronic illnesses and give back to the community at the highest level possible. 

Who is your favorite superhero and why? Do you relate to them?
My late mother, Jeanette, was a very strong woman and was able to protect and provide for me and my siblings alone for years. She was a modern day superhero and fought battles every day successfully for her entire life! I do relate to her having some of her personality traits and being a single parent as well.

If you could have one superpower to help you further your purpose, what would it be and why? How would you use it? 

I am not sure that I would want a specific superhero because I feel that it could interfere with “God’s Plan.” I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, good and bad. So, I would have to really weigh the pros and cons of having any supernatural ability before giving an answer.